
Friday, January 6, 2012

La di da...

G'morning and a very happy Friday to all my followers. I'd also like to let you know that I would have posted sooner, but I was busy earlier and couldn't. Therefore, without further ado, heeeeeeeeeeereeeeeeeeeeeeeee we go! First of all, my mom's coming home today after spending a few days visi-ding my auntie Marjon. I can't wait to see her 'cause it's been far too long.

Also, I think I'm going to draw today 'cause I haven't done so in awhile. What I'm going to draw is beyond me as of right now, but I'm sure something will come to me. 'Course, if all else fails, I can always draw another picture of Béla Lugosi. An' as I sit writ-ding this en-tury, I happen to be watchin' The Price Is Right. Except that it's celebrit-dee week and Heidi Klum is on the show today.

Plus, Errrrrrrrrrik is calling me tonight between nine an' ten. I am so psyched for it that it's not funny -- except we had a hilarious conversation this morning -- so I should not be so excited. But I better go 'cause I wanna see what happens to these contestants.

Bye for now!

PS: Errrrrrrrik, you're crazy.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Can you hear me?
Are you even there?
My heart shatters,
Tears fall.
Will you listen?
Do you even care?
I love you so, my dark one,
You’re all I want and need.
Did you have to leave me?
Couldn’t you have stayed?
You broke my heart, my love;
I cannot tell a lie.
What will happen now?
Are the angels treating you well?
You cannot expect me to sit and sigh.
For I cannot live without you, my love,
I need you here with me.
Why are you so oblivious?
Why do you refuse to believe?
I am not a ghost, a shadow, or demon.
My love for you is not untrue.
Couldn’t you wait for me?
Why did you go?
Without you I am lost;
I cannot hide my fear.
Did you even consider my love for you?
Or how much hurt I would feel?
Come to the light, my dark prince;
Please let me take you home.
Why must we live in different worlds?
Why can’t I be with you?
If I knew the answers;
Or I knew the reasons,
I’d save them all for you.


G'morning and merry Thursday to all my followers. This is just a quick note to say that I'll be back with a proper entry later because I'm having a random bout of writer's block.

Bye for now!

PS: Errrrrrrrrrrrik, you're insane. ;)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Spirit of the Night.

Words escape me, torture me; use me.
Eyes of sapphire tease and taunt.
Your angelic voice turns me to stone,
While perfect lips haunt my every dream.
Love for you is all I know;
Chasing ghosts is not right, they say.
But I love you so, my spirit of the night.
Years will pass and I will still remember.
My fallen angel, you are gone; they say.
It’s best to forget and move on,
But who can forget someone so memorable?
The past is best left alone, some say;
Live in the present, they sob.
But for you, my dark angel,
I would gladly go back in time.

Do da da...

G'morning and happy Wednesday to all my followers. I'd like to start off by wishing J.R.R. Tolkien a belated happy 119th birthday, and reminding everyone that not all who wander are lost, even though the road does go ever on and on.

Also, big news abounds today. First of all, my Facebook comment was mentioned on Good Day Sacramento by Ken Rudolph, so I was able to get my five seconds of fame. Also, Rich Fields -- the former announcer for The Price Is Right -- tweeted me last night in response to a tweet I'd sent him.

I'll write more after today's episode of The Price Is Right, because Neil Patrick Harris is the celebrity guest today, and I'm psyched!

Bye for now!

PS: Errrrrrrik, you rock. ♥

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Eeeheehee, guess who's hyper!

That's right, meeeeeeeee!

I just got back from group, and now I'm wayt-ding for for Errrrik to call. And when he does, he is going to have his hands full! Oops, there he is. Bye!

Favorite photos.

 Erik as Spock 

 Erik and I

Erik in Maui


'Kay, so I said I'd post more layd-ter, and so yeah. Heeeeeeeeereeeeeeee we go!

My dad and auntie Suzie took me to lunch today at Harry's Café, and all I can say is yummmmm 'cause they have good noodles. Except, all I could do was either cry or listen to Enya on my iPod 'cause I'm not too happy today. :-/

My mom is far away right now 'cause she is visi-ding my auntie Marjon, and I miss her terribly. Except she will be home soon, so it's okay, I think. And anyways, I do have Errrrrik for company.

And I should get my tea soon so I can nap a bit. I did not sleep too good last night 'cause I was too busy thinking of Errrrrrrik. I like him and he is my best friend and we just get along so well. But we were lovers for awhile too. Except that I am bi so I don't just date guys. I had a girlfriend/fiancé for awhi-yuhle, but we ended it. And we did not end it on good terms, either, 'cause I screwed stuff up. :s 

Gwaaaaaaah. I think I am just going to forego my tea and keep writing; I can make a new cup if I want some layd-ter. It's honey-vanilla flavored chamomile and it's yummy! Oh, and I have group tonight, so dad's taking me to In-N-Out for dinner. YAY!

So, I may just end this entry 'cause I have to shower before dad gets here to pick me up.

Bye for now!

PS: Errrrrrrrik, I miss you. ;_;


So my dad is going to be here in half an hour, and what am I doing? Yup, that's right, posting a blog entry. I promised myself I'd update my blog more this year, so here we go. I'd like to start off by saying happy new year and a belated merry Christmas to all my followers; plus, apologize for not being very active in the last few months. Also, I got an iPod Classic 160GB for Christmas this year, and its name is Phantom. It also has a mind of its own sometimes, because it'll do things like turn off/on when I don't want it to.

And I guess that's it, even though I have a lot more I can say. I will post more later.

PS: Errrrrrrrik, I love you. ♥

Oh, to be a Cat!

Whiskers and fur;
Rough tongues and claws.
Sharp teeth;
Meowing and purring.
Sunbathing and sleeping;
Hissing and growling.
Laziness and serenity;
Oh, to be a cat!