
Monday, January 31, 2011

Stuff & Nonsense.

I'm writing this entry as a time-killer because I really want it to be eight already so I can talk to Angel. However, it's only 1:35, so there's lots of time before he'll call. His ringtone is the part of "Angel of Music" that goes I am your Angel; come to me, Angel of maybe I'm more anxious to hear the ringtone than to talk to him. But maybe not -- we'll see.

I think I also like the idea of lunch right now, but I don't think I want to do anything about it. I'd rather write this and then maybe go watch more CSI.

And I love my stuffed kitty to bits. His name is Munkustrap, and is very cute. I like to cuddle with him and pet his fur and give him hugs. He is lying on my bed right now -- taking a nap -- and suddenly I feel like joining him. So maybe I will continue this later. Or post something entirely different -- who knows! Right now, though, I think it's nap time for Sarah.

More of my talents; enjoy!

So, this morning, I thought I'd share a few more of my photos. However, these are still life shots -- in contrast to the landscape ones I posted yesterday.

These are just a few of the shots I've taken over the past month or so, and any feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


I can't believe this is my third entry in one night. Well, like I said, I do tend to ramble -- so excuse me if these entries don't make any sense. Or dollars, for that matter!

Anyway, I really think I like drawing in addition to photography. Mom wants me to take a drawing class, but I told her no, I'm much too into photography. Drawing is just something I do when I feel happy; I don't really want to make a hobby out of it like I might with photography. Speaking of which, I want to take more photos at McKinley Park soon -- when it's not raining. But I also want to take some elsewhere, like in my parents' yard or something. That would be fun!

I just realized I am very, very hyper. Maybe I have had too much coffee today. Oh, well, not my concern now. I just want to finish this blog entry/ramble 'cause I think I need more tea. And I can't get some if I'm typing.

Also, I like to talk to my friend a lot. His name is James and he lives in Hawaii. He is my best friend in the whole world, and I can tell him everything and anything. I think he is an Angel 'cause he looks out for me and likes lots of the same things I do. Like The Price Is Right and Phantom of the Opera,  for example. And he has the most amazing sense of humor! We were lovers for awhile, but we called it quits a month ago. I am sad about that. Very, very sad.

I live in an apartment, which I love. It has 680 square inches of space, which is very large when you think about it. I have lots of posters hanging on my walls, too, and I think I have room for one or two more. Also, I hung up two calendars yesterday!

I think I have written enough for now, so I will end it and get some tea. Bye!

A sampling of my talents; enjoy.

I recently found that I enjoy photograpy, and that still life and landscape photos are the most fun for me. Therefore, I'd like to share some photos that I took recently:

These were taken while at McKinley Park, and while they aren't bad for first-time shots, I feel there is room for improvement. I also want to take a few classes on photography at some point, and maybe check a few books out of the library on the subject, as well. My mom says I have a really, really good eye for it, too, so now I know some classes might not hurt.

Random Factoids and an Introductory Post.

Welcome to the funny farm -- otherwise known as the life of me, myself, and I! I made this blog for two reasons; one, so I'd have a place to write when I need to, and two, so I can share my love of photography with the world. So...I thought I'd begin by posting some random factoids about myself:

-I can write my first name in cursive with my left hand.
-However, I'm right-handed.
-I have a borderline-unhealthy obsession with lupus.
-I do not like amaretto coffee.
-I have autism and moderate cerebral palsy.
-I won't wear Chuck Taylors when it rains.
-I'm overprotective of my Chucks.
-House MD is my favorite show, though I won't say no to any of the CSI's.
-My hair is straight, very dark brown, and falls to my shoulders.
-I always wear my hair in a ponytail.
-I LOVE musicals.
-I'm not a neat freak. At all.
-I snort when I laugh really hard.
-I'm a coffeeholic.
-I prefer Peet's Coffee & Tea over Starbucks.
-I'm extremely sarcastic and cynical.
-People who know me say I talk too much.
-Those who don't know me say I don't talk enough.
-I love making lists.
-Writing is a talent of mine.
-I love singing and have taken private voice lessons since March of 2007.
-My sigma color is red, though I also love lime green and black.
-I can't stand Coke products.
-Japanese is my favorite cuisine.
-Hugh Laurie and Tré Cool are god, though I won't say no to George Gray or Jeff Davis!
-I'm a noodleholic.
-For most of my life, I hated Italian sausage.
-My favorite kinds of photography are still life and abstract.
-My mom says I have a good eye for photography in general.
-I want to take a photography class or two at some point.
-I like figuring out complicated math problems but hate math classes.
-I'm not going to have kids.
-In fact, I'm paranoid about being pregnant.
-I'm more of a vanillaholic than a chocoholic.

If you made it this far, I congratulate you for having the patience to bear with me. And, in case you haven't guessed by now, I ramble a lot. However, if that isn't a problem for you, then please follow me!